NCheck Bio Attendance Client is used as a client application for NCheck Bio Attendance server. It is mainly used to record attendance. It also can be used as a standalone attendance device. NCheck Bio Attendance client has two applications

  1. NCheck Bio Attendance Lite client

    NCheck Bio Attendance Lite client is a simple client application with minimal required functionality for Windows, Android and IOS.

  2. NCheck Bio Attendance Standard client

    NCheck Bio Attendance Standard client for Windows and Android includes client-side biometric extraction and matching which provides advanced functions like automatic face recognition, face capturing and offline operation. The Standard client requires a NCheck Bio Attendance license

  3. NCheck Bio Attendance Surveillance client for Windows

    NCheck Bio Attendance Surveillance client for Windows support all the features in NCheck Bio Attendance Standard client for Windows with guard functionality in which an authorized person can manually identify the person and record the event in the attendance system

  4. NCheck Bio Attendance Guard client for Android

    NCheck Bio Attendance Guard for Android application provide functionality which an authorized person can manually identify person and record event in the attendance system.

System requirement

Table 62 System requirements for clients applications





  1. Microsoft Windows 8 or higher operating system

  2. 1GB of disk space

  3. 2GB of RAM

  4. Supported Face peripheral

  1. Microsoft Windows 8 or higher operating system

  2. 1GB of disk space

  3. 4GB of RAM

  4. One supported peripheral as mentioned in the in Peripherals section

  1. Microsoft Windows 8 or higher operating system

  2. 1GB of disk space

  3. 8GB of RAM

  4. Supported Face peripheral


  1. Android phone or tablet running Android 5.0 OS or later version

  2. 1 GB Of RAM

  3. Integrated camera

  1. Android phone or tablet running Android 5.1 OS or later version

  2. 2 GB of RAM

  3. USB OTG (USB On the Go) feature if using peripherals as mentioned in the in Peripherals section

  1. Android phone or tablet running Android 5.1 OS or later version

  2. Integrated camera

IOS Client

Apple device running IOS 10.2 OS or later

Not available

Not available


NCheck Bio Attendance client applications support following peripherals.

  1. Face

  2. Fingerprint

  3. Iris

  4. Other


NCheck Bio Attendance installer for Windows is installing all necessary drivers in order to enable face, fingerprint and iris scanners. But in case if you need additional drivers, you may need to install compatible drivers in the computer. You can download drivers for supportable camera, fingerprint and iris scanners from scanner driver package <>`_. <>`_


NCheck Bio Attendance Android and IOS clients are using cameras available with the device. NCheck Bio Attendance Windows clients support following camera types.

  1. USB cameras

  2. IP cameras

USB cameras

In general, USB cameras working in Windows OS are supported.

IP cameras

Refer Neurotechnology guide for supported cameras section for all supported IP cameras. Refer Preferences section for add IP cameras for NCheck Bio Attendance Standard for Windows.


NCheck Bio Attendance clients support external or internal USB fingerprint scanners. Refer Neurotechnology guide for supported fingerprint scanners and sensors for Windows standard client.


NCheck Bio Attendance clients support external or internal USB iris scanners. Refer Neurotechnology guide for supported iris scanners for Windows standard client`. <>`_


By default, iris scanners are disabled for Windows standard client. To enable, unzip necessary iris scanners from the IrisScanners folder in NCheck Bio Attendance installation folder (By default the installation folder is “C:Program FilesNeurotechnologyNCheck Bio Attendance”)


NCheck Bio Attendance supports capturing other authentication data. Data capture is performed by using the following hardware.

Table 63 Hardware requirements for non-biometric identification




  1. External HID

  2. External Serial

NFC Support


External HID

Using built-in camera

Access control

NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients can trigger external executables with given parameters as mentioned in External executables section.

Supporting Locations

NCheck Bio Attendance uses operating system provided location services to capture the location of attendance events.


For enabling location service from the operating system, please refer location service configuration for the relevant operating system.

Install Client

Download client

NCheck Bio Attendance clients application download from download page.

Install clients for Windows

Windows install includes all components of NCheck Bio Attendance. You need to select the required client (Lite or Standard) to install the client. Refer Install client For Windows section for more details.


Figure 337 Select components of Windows installation

After successful installation you will be asked to activate license in NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients, Surveillance client for Windows and Guard client for Android as mentioned in License Activation section. For NCheck Bio Attendance Lite client you will be asked to register the device as mentioned in Register clients section.

Open clients

The clients perform the following tasks before starting the application.

Table 64 Client tasks starting application.


Sub task


Initialize app

Check permissions

Refer Check permissions section.

Prepare directories

Refer Prepare directories section.

Initialize device settings

Initialize device details if exists.

Check registration status

Check whether the application has registered or not. If not, registered application will show registration view as shown in Register clients section.

Check encryption

Check encryption password

Check client database can be open from the saved password. If the database cannot open from the existing password, client is asking the current database encryption password. Refer Check database encryption password section for more details.

Check database encryption default password

If the client database encrypted with the default password used in NCheck Bio Attendance client, the client is asking for a strong password when the first-time app opens. Refer Check default encryption password section for more details.

Initialize data service

The data service used for communicating with NCheck Bio Attendance server is starting

Validate license

Check network

Refer Check network section for more details.

Check license

Check whether a valid NCheck Bio Attendance license has activated or not. Refer License Activation section for more details.

Obtain license

Validate the license. If the license validation failed, a valid license should be activated as mentioned in License Activation section.

Initialize matching

Enroll all biometric templated to the biometric engine.

After completing all tasks, the application main view will be started as mentioned in Main view section.

Check permissions


Permissions are required for Android clients only.

In Android applications, permissions need to be granted to ensure privacy and security of the device data. NCheck Bio Attendance Android clients requires following permissions.

  1. Google play licensing check

    Google Play offers a licensing service that lets you enforce licensing policies for applications that you publish on Google Play. With Google Play Licensing, your application can query Google Play at run time to obtain the licensing status for the current user, then allow or disallow further use as appropriate. Android permission “ is using

  2. Access location

    NCheck Bio Attendance Android client is using device location details such as GPS coordinates and address when recording attendance. This requires “android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION” permission.

  3. Network information

    This requires “android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE” permission. NCheck Bio Attendance Android clients are using network information to check the network available in the device for communication.

  4. Access interment

    This requires “android.permission.INTERNET” permission. Android clients requires Internet to

    1. Communicate with remote NCheck Bio Attendance server.

    2. To either activate a license as mentioned in License activation/deactivation section or obtain License when application start based on the activated License types .

    3. To log application and device data in remote logging service(Firebase)

  5. Access Wi-Fi information

    In mobile services Wi-Fi is frequently used to access internet. Android client uses device Wi-Fi information to check the network connectivity and indicate to user. “android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE” and “android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE” permissions are required

  6. Access camera

    “android.permission.CAMERA” permission is required. NCheck Bio Attendance Android client is using camera for

    1. Face capture

      Record users capturing face biometrics, Enroll face(s) to users.

    2. Barcode capture

      Capture User ids, device token,

  7. Access storage

    “android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE” permission is required below Android 11 application specific external storage to keep following data.

    1. Diagnostic data

      App generated log files to check application working status.

    2. Downloaded files

    3. License files

      To browse the license files during activation for NCheck Bio Attendance Standard and Guard Android clients.

  8. Capture RFID

    NCheck Bio Attendance Android client is capturing RFID to record attendance and appointment creation. “android.permission.NFC” permission is required. This is used for NCheck Bio Attendance Standard client only.

  9. Access device power management tools

    To wake up device when record attendance and create appointments. “android.permission.WAKE_LOCK” permission is required.

  10. Receive application boot completed

    Start the client automatically when device has restarted. This requires “ndroid.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED” permission.

Prepare directories

Following directories are using:

  1. Log directory

    Keep application specific logs to keep information about application status while using. If any problem happens, we are requesting these logs to investigate the problem.

  2. License directory

    Keep license specific data such as license mode, license text.

  3. Database directory

    For NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients and Windows surveillance clients only.

Check network

When the application starts the client application is checking for the valid license availability. This requires a network connection based on the activated license types . If the network is unavailable, client will show network connectivity failure view and hold until the network available checking the network connectivity periodically as shown below.

Table 65 NCheck Bio Attendance Client network check view


Network connectivity failure view

Android client


Figure 338 Android client network check


NCheck Bio Attendance Lite clients is not checking network while opening because it does not use licensing.

Check encryption

Following NCheck Bio Attendance uses databases to keep attendances data when Offline operation mode setting is enabled.

  1. NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients

  2. NCheck Bio Attendance Surveillance Windows clients

Clients are checking the following over the database when the application starts.

  1. Check database encryption password

  2. Check default encryption password

Check database encryption password

NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients and Windows surveillance clients are storing database encryption password in the application context. If the client database cannot be decrypted from the encryption password, database encryption password dialog will be shown asking current password of the database as below.

Table 66 Database encryption password dialogs


Encryption dialog view

Android client


Figure 339 Database encryption password dialog for Android Standard client

  1. Encryption key

    Database encryption key.

  2. Discard existing database and create new database option

    Check this option to discard existing database and create new client database. You will lost all the data in the existing database if you continue selecting this option.

  3. OK button

  4. Cancel button.

Check default encryption password

NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients and Windows Surveillance clients databases should be encrypted to secure the database. In the first open default database password dialog will be shown asking the encryption password. If custom password is not required, user can continue using default encryption password.

Table 67 Database encryption password dialogs


Default database encryption password dialog

Windows client


Figure 340 Default database password warning dialog for Windows Standard and surveillance clients

Android client


Figure 341 Default database password warning dialog for Android Standard client

  1. Password

    The password to encrypt the database. This password must contain at least 6 characters with once uppercase, lowercase letter, and number.

  2. Confirm password

  3. Encryption password options

    1. Use the default password

    2. Use custom passowrd

  4. OK button


The default encryption password of the clients is 123456.

License Activation

License activation is required for following clients.

  1. NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients

  2. NCheck Bio Attendance Android Guard client

  3. NCheck Bio Attendance Windows Surveillance client

Refer Activation section for more details.


NCheck Bio Attendance Lite clients are free and not required to activate licenses.

After successful license activation, you will be asked to register the client application as mentioned in Register clients section.

Register clients

NCheck Bio Attendance Clients can be used with following modes.

  1. NCheck Bio Attendance Cloud

  2. NCheck Bio Attendance server installed on-premises.

  3. Standalone (Standard clients and Surveillance clients only)

The registration process configures the application to work with one of the above three modes. Accessing registration can be done in the following ways.

  1. The client application will prompt you the registration dialogue in case it is not registered.

  2. The client application is unregistered as mentioned in Unregister section.

Registration screen

Mode of registration
  1. Server URL

  2. Search server button

    Select this option to detect server URL. This option works if the server and client work in the same network.

  3. Registration Token

  4. Scan barcode button

    Instead of entering registration token, users can scan barcode in Android client.

Cloud mode
Table 68 Registration views of cloud mode


Cloud mode




Figure 342 Windows lite client registration view on cloud mode



Figure 343 Windows standard client registration view on cloud mode




Figure 344 Android lite client registration view on cloud mode



Figure 345 Android standard client registration view on cloud mode




Figure 346 IOS lite client registration view on cloud mode

On-premises mode
Table 69 Registration views of on-premises mode


On-premises mode




Figure 347 Windows lite client registration view on on-premises mode

Standard/ Surveillance


Figure 348 Windows standard client registration view on cloud mode




Figure 349 Android lite client registration view on on-premises mode



Figure 350 Android standard client registration view on on-premises mode




Figure 351 IOS lite client registration view on on-premises mode

Standalone mode
Table 70 Registration views of standalone mode


Standalone mode




Figure 352 Windows standard client registration view on standalone mode




Figure 353 Android standard client registration view on standalone mode

Registration Token

To register the client application with cloud or on-premises server, a registration code is required. Registration code can be generated by an administrator. Depending on the registration code generation, the client application can be registered in the following two modes.

  1. Group

    Please refer User group quick view section for more details about registering device for group of users. Once the device is registered, the selected group of people can use the attendance terminal to check-in and check-out.

  2. Personal

    Please refer User quick view section for more details about registering device for person. Once the device is registered as a personal device, the selected user can only perform check-in and check-out from the terminal.


Select the Connect button to proceed with registration. If the server has signed with the untrusted certificate, you will be asked to accept self-signed certificate as mentioned in SSL Certificate validation section. Successful registration will take you to Main view . Register button will be disabled if the mandatory fields are empty or Validation errors exist. The following error messages could appear in the registration screen.

Table 71 Error messages of device registration

Error code

Error message


Failed to register with the NCheck Bio Attendance server {server URL}


Failed to register with the registration code


The registration token has already been used. Please generate new registration code or contact administrator


Could not discover the NCheck Bio Attendance server URL

SSL Certificate validation

To start the NCheck Bio Attendance server, a valid SSL certificate must be added as mentioned in Server section. If any SSL certificate validation error occurred while registering or using the application, you will be prompted the validation error as below.

Table 72 Certificate validation error dialogue


Self-signed certificate prompt



Figure 354 Certificate validation error dialog for Windows client



Figure 355 Certificate validation error dialog for Android client



Figure 356 Certificate validation error dialog for IOS Lite client

  1. Title of the SSL certificate validation error dialogue

  2. Error message

    The dialog shows the following SSL certificate information associate with the registration URL to get verify before registering with the server

    1. Start date

    2. End date

    3. Issuer

    4. User

    5. Certificate hashing

  3. Actions

    1. Cancel

      Terminate the application.

    2. Continue

      accept and continue the current registration.

Main view

NCheck Bio Attendance client’s main views as follows,

  1. Main view for biometrics capture

  2. Main view for non-biometrics capture

Main view for biometrics capture

Table 73 Main view of clients






Figure 357 Main view of Windows lite client



Figure 358 Main view of Windows standard client



Figure 359 Main view of Windows Surveillance client




Figure 360 Main view of Android lite client



Figure 361 Main view of Android standard client



Figure 362 Main view of Android Guard client




Figure 363 Main view of IOS lite client

  1. Date and time

    Show the Time and date.

  2. Menu button

    Refer Main menu section for more details.

  3. Status bar

    Refer connection status section for more details.

  4. Attendance view

  5. Single/multi face mode button

  6. Settings collapse button of Android clients

  7. Language menu of Windows clients

    Selected luggage will be applied to the application.

  8. Mask detection indicator

    Mask detection indicator is showing in the view according to the Mask detection setting and Mask detection threshold can be applied from either web control panel Client settings view or Client settings for device .


Table 76 Preferences of clients





  1. Configuration

  2. Network camera list

  3. Serial scanners

  4. External scanners

  1. Capture sound

  2. Crop face

  3. Capture quality

  4. Predefined location

  5. Checkout notification

  6. Enable logs

  1. Capture sound

  2. Crop face

  3. Predefined location

  4. Checkout notification


  1. Configuration

  2. Network camera list

  3. Serial scanners

  4. External scanners

  1. Device settings

  2. Display settings

  3. Camera settings

  4. Power saving mode

  5. Security

  6. Debug mode

  7. Diagnostic report

Not available


  1. Camera list

  2. Serial scanners

  3. Surveillance engine properties

  4. External scanners

Not available

Not available


Not available

  1. Capture sound

  2. Crop face

  3. Enable auto capture

  4. Capture quality

  5. Enable logs

Not available

Capture sound

Enable to play the capturing sound when the image is capturing.

Crop face

Enable to crop face to increase the matching accuracy.

Predefined location

This allows to set a default location for Android and IOS clients. This predefined location will be used for the recording event according to the selected option in Allow predefined location client setting in the server. The predefined location dialog is as follows.





Figure 368 Predefined location dialog in Android client



Figure 369 Predefined location dialog in IOS Lite client

  1. Latitude

    Latitude coordinate of the location

  2. Longitude

    Longitude coordinate of the location

  3. Address

  4. Clear button

    Remove all location parameters.

  5. Ok button

    Save location coordinates.

  6. Cancel button

Checkout notification

Check-out notifications are used to make user to check-out before the check-out time. Checkout notifications are available in Android and IOS Lite clients registered as a personal device.

Extract on server

In NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients, face details are extracted to identify the faces when capturing faces. Enable this setting to minimize the extraction delay on low performance devices by doing the extraction in the server..

Low CPU support

This setting has been introduced for low CPU devices to lower the CPU usage when application in use. Enable this setting to preview captured face instead of showing the face rectangle (as mentioned in Face capture view section) with lower resolution preview.

Startup application

Enable this setting to start application on restart the device.

Preview position

Align camera preview to the top, center, or bottom of the view port.

External scanner

NCheck Bio Attendance Standard can be used with external scanners to record attendances with extended user experiences. Currently NCheck Bio Attendance Standard supports below type of devices/scanners.


Figure 370 External scanners view of Android standard client

  1. TPS980

    TPS980 is an Android Biometric Face recognition Terminal with infrared sensor and face recognition camera and fingerprint scanner. NCheck Bio Attendance Standard client can be installed to use with available sensors.

  2. HF-7000

    HF-7000 from HFSecurity is a fingerprint reader based on capacitive fingerprint sensor. The fingerprint scanner uses USB for communications with host PC or device. Refer this link for more information. To configure the NCheck Bio Attendance Standard

  3. Select External scanner from the scanner list

  4. Select configure button to configure the selected scanner.

  5. Select the feedback type from the list

    1. All events

      Select this option to apply scanner configuration across all scanners.

    2. External scanner events

      Select this option to apply scanner configuration to external scanner events. 3. Select the Configure button to customize the selected scanner configuration above.


      Figure 371 TPS scanner configuration view

Mirror preview

Enable this to fix the mirror effect of the camera preview.

Enable app orientation

Enable this to fix the application ore as 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees.


This setting may not be compatible with the devices, designed for a fix orientation Accelerometer and gyroscope sensors are not available.

Rotation settings

Custom rotation settings need to be configured in case of camera orientation and device rotation settings return from the Android API are not same as standard Android devices. This applicable for the devices,

  1. Designed for a specific orientation.

  2. Accelerometer and gyroscope sensors are not available.

Camera orientation and device rotation can be set as follows, Camera orientation for a normal android device can be identified as follows.

Table 77 Camera orientation



Front camera

270 degrees

Back camera

90 degrees

When the camera orientation has differences as mentioned above, this value can be set manually using these settings. Device rotation for a normal device can be identified as follows,

Table 78 Custom device rotation

Device orientation

Device rotation









Users can set matching value for device rotation in special devices depending on the device orientation as above table.

Enable power saving mode

Reduce the CPU usage when application is idle.

Power saving mode timeout

The timeout can be select to set the device idle when no attendance recording. Available timeouts are

  1. 10 minutes

  2. 20 minutes

  3. 30 minutes

  4. 1 hour

Encrypt the database

Encrypt the database of NCheck Bio Attendance Standard client by giving a password.

Enable logs

Log all events to a file for debugging.

Diagnostic report

Generate Diagnostic report and send to developers for debugging.

Capture quality

Select face capture quality to reduce the time when recording events.

  1. Low

  2. Medium

  3. High

  4. very high


Show camera guidance message when the of NCheck Bio Attendance Windows client is idle. The configuration view is shown below.


Figure 372 Configuration view of Windows client

  1. Checkbox to enable/disable camera guidance message.

  2. Camera guidance message, if camera guidance message setting is enabled,

    Message should have less than 25 characters.

Network camera list

This option allows to configure IP cameras with NCheck Bio Attendance Windows Standard and survilance client application.


Figure 373 Camera list preference of Windows standard client

  1. Number of network cameras configured.

  2. Camera list table

    Camera name and URL are shown.

  3. Add button

    Refer Add/edit network camera section for more details about add network camera.

  4. Edit button

    Refer Add/edit network camera section for more details about edit network camera.

  5. Remove button

    Remove selected camera.

Add/edit network camera

Figure 374 Add/edit network camera

  1. Name

    Name of the camera

  2. URL

    URL of the network camera

  3. Key

    Camera identification key generated by the client. This cannot be changed

Serial scanners

Serial scanner configuration in client preferences is used to configure barcode and RFID scanners which can be connected using physical serial port or Bluetooth serial port. The serial scanner view has shown below.


Figure 375 Serial scanners view

  1. Number of serial scanners available

  2. Serial scanners table

  3. Add button

    Refer Add/edit serial scanner section for more details about add serial scanner.

  4. Edit button

    Refer Add/edit serial scanner section for more details about edit serial scanner.

  5. Remove button

    Remove selected serial scanner.

Add/edit serial scanner

Add/edit serial scanner view has shown below.


Figure 376 Add/edit serial scanner dialog

  1. Back button

  2. Name

  3. Type

    Type of the serial scanner as RFID or Barcode

  4. COM port

    COM port is serial communication in the client device. COM port can be COM 1, COM 2, COM 3, COM 4

  5. Baud rate

    Baud rate is, data rate used. Standard data rates supported are listed in selection. Baud rate can be:

    1. 4800

    2. 9600

    3. 19200

    4. 38400

    5. 57600

    6. 115200

    7. 230400

  6. Parity

    The Parity is used to error correction (usually none) eld odd parity and even parity. The available values are:

    1. None

    2. Odd

    3. Even

    4. Mark

    5. Space

  7. Data bits

    Data bits are number of data bits in a communication character. Data bits can be

    1. 5

    2. 6

    3. 7

    4. 8

  8. Stop bite

    Serial port stop bits are number of bits sending after one letter/byte to mark finish. Select value from

    1. None

    2. 1

    3. 1.5

    4. 2

  9. Key

    A unique ID that cannot be changed.

  10. Apply button.

External scanners

External scanner configuration is used to configure the any third-party peripheral device integrated with Ncheck Peripheral API. NCheck Peripheral API can be used to develop peripheral integration package (dll in windows and APK in Android). Integration package is configured with the client using external scanner configuration. External scanner configuration view is shown below.


Figure 377 External scanner configuration view

  1. Browse button

    Browse peripheral integration package.

  2. Configure button

    Configure button provide external scanner specific configurations which have provided by the peripheral integration package.

Surveillance engine properties

Figure 378 Surveillance engine properties of Surveillance client

  1. Use NVDIA GPU

    Enable/disable running surveillance engine on GPU

  2. Determine Age

    This enable/disable showing the age on top of the face rectangle in the attendance view.

  3. Determine gender

    This enable/disable showing the gender on top of the face rectangle in the attendance view.

  4. Determine Glasses

    This enable/disable showing the availability of glasses (whether the user is wearing spectacles) on top of the face rectangle in the attendance view.

  5. Apply button

  6. Cancel button

Enable auto capture

The capture mode of the Guard client can be changed as following.

  1. Manual capture

    The fault capture mode of the Guard client. When this mode has enabled, the Guard must capture the face manually pressing the capture button. To enable this mode, disable enable auto capture mode setting from the preference menu.

  2. Auto capture

    To enable this feature, enable “Enable auto capture mode” from the Preference menu. When the auto capture mode has enabled, the Guard client will be automatically detect the face and then extract once faced to the camera.

Connection status

Table 79 Connection status view of clients

Connection status view




Figure 379 Status bar view of Windows lite client

Standard/ Surveillance


Figure 380 Status bar view of Windows standard client




Figure 381 Registration details of Android Lite client



Figure 382 Registration details of the Android standard client



Figure 383 tus bar of Guard client

  1. Network availability

  2. License status indicator

    Shows the current license obtaining status as licensed, trial or expired.

  3. Server and port

    URL and port of the connected server in cloud, on-premises or standalone mode

  4. Registered user/user group name

    Registered user/user group name is showing in cloud or on-premises mode. In standalone mode, “All users” will be shown.

  5. Organization name in the cloud or on-premises mode

  6. Connectivity status with the server indicator in cloud and on-premises mode as shown in below.

    Table 80 Online/Offline statuses of Standard clients



    Android standard client

    Windows standard client


    Connected with the server



    Cannot connected with the server

  7. Synchronizing progress of the standard clients if the Offline operation mode is enabled.

  8. Email address if the Lite client registered to the user and Allow without biometrics setting has enabled.

  9. Server indicator for cloud, on-premises, and standalone mode.

Table 81 Server indicators for Clients








  1. Location restriction status

    Location restriction status indicates how far from the location coordinates where the location restriction applied as mentioned in Location restrictions section. Android Lite client uses Google location services to find the device location. Location restriction status indicated following details.



Location is restricted. But user is inside the permitted radius


Figure 384 User inside the permitted area

Location is restricted. User is not inside the permitted radius.


Figure 385 User is not inside the permitted area

Location services are not available. Location services of the device has disabled or not available in the area.


Figure 386 Location coordinates are not available

Location has not restricted.


Figure 387 Location has not restricted

  1. Location restriction indicator

    Indicator will be turned to red if the user is not inside the permitted radius from the location coordinates where the location restriction applied. Otherwise it will be shown in green color.

  2. Distance

    Distance from location coordinates where the location restriction has been applied.

  3. Location accuracy

    This parameter indicates the accuracy of the distance. As shown in Figure 384 , the correct location can be anywhere between 11+ 14 meters and 11 - 14 meters.

The distance and location accuracy may not be accurate depending on the Google location service availability. Please refer this Google maps help for more details.

Main view for non-biometrics capture


This feature is currently available with NCheck Bio Attendance Lite for Android only.

In NCheck Bio Attendance Lite for Android, users are allowed to record the events without presenting face biometrics. In order to enable this feature, Users must enabled the Allow without biometrics setting as mentioned in NCheck Bio Attendance control panel Client settings view or Device settings sections. The view is changing according to the enable/disable status of the Manual capture start setting in the NCheck Bio Attendance Client settings view or Block/unblock device/API as shown in Table 82 . When the Manual capture start is enabled, user can select the event as check-in or check-out before record.

Table 82 Main views for non-biometric capture

Manual capture start is disabled

Android Lite


Figure 388 Capture without biometric view of Android lite client

IOS Lite


Figure 389 Capture without biometric view for IOS Lite client

Manual capture start is enabled

Android Lite


Figure 390 Capture without biometric view of Android lite client when manual capture start setting is enabled

IOS Lite


Figure 391 Capture without biometric view of IOS Lite

  1. Time

  2. Check-in/check-out icons

  3. Connection status

  4. User thumbnail

  5. Record event button

    Record the events

  6. Check-in button

    Record the check-in events

  7. Check-out button

    Record the check-out events

Attendance view

Attendance view shows attendance view screen. Attendance view Screen has the following components.

  1. Capture view

  2. Manual event selection view

  3. Record event view

  4. Result view

  5. Recent events list

Following error could be occurred during capture.

Table 83 Error messages of record attendances

Error code

Error message


License cannot be obtained


Device has not registered. Please register the device first.


The location is restricted. You are not allowed record attendance from this location


Could not record events. The user has been blocked


Could not record events. The device has been blocked


Could not record event. Check-in time has restricted


Could not record event. Check-out time has restricted


You have already checked-in/checked-out. Please try again in {number of seconds} seconds.


Attendances time has restricted. Please contact administrator for more details.


No match found. Please make sure that face/fingerprint/iris templates have been enrolled before record attendance.


Failed to identify the face/fingerprint/iris. Please try again.


Could not record attendances. Invalid user id input.


Could not record attendances. Peripherals are not ready. Please try again.


User not allowed to Check-in while on Restricted Leave!

Capture view

The default capture view of the NCheck Bio Attendance Standard and Lite clients. Capture view can have a one or more capture device views. Those are

  1. Face capture view

  2. User ID input

  3. Fingerprint Capture view

  4. Iris Capture view

Capture view supportability in Lite and Standard can be identified as follows.

Table 84 Capture view supportability in clients





Face capture


User id input


Fingerprint capture view


Iris capture view


RFID capture view


Barcodecapture view

Table 85 Capture views of clients






Figure 392 Capture view of Windows lite client



Figure 393 Capture view of Windows standard client



Figure 394 Capture view of Surveillance client




Figure 395 Capture views of Android Lite client



Figure 396 Capture view of Android lite client



Figure 397 Capture view of Guard client




Figure 398 Capture view of IOS Lite client

  1. Face capture view

  2. Fingerprint Capture view

  3. Iris Capture view

  4. User ID input

  5. Face ID view

Face capture view

Table 86 : Face capture views of clients





Figure 399 Face capture view of Window lite client



Figure 400 Face capture view of Window standard client






Figure 401 Face capture view of Android lite client

Standard – Low CPU support is disabled.


Figure 402 Face capture view of Android standard client

Standard – Low CPU support is enabled


Figure 403 Face capture view when Low cpu mode enabled in Standard client



Figure 404 Face capture view of Guard client




Figure 405 Face capture views of IOS lite client

  1. Image preview

  2. Camera name

  3. Face rectangle

  4. Face liveness guidance

    Face liveness guidance in Standard clients if the Liveness setting has enabled.

  5. Capture button

    In Android Guard client, capture button will appear if Manual capture mode is turned on. Refer Capturing faces section for more details.

  6. Instruction for face capture

  7. Liveness Instruction

  8. Settings of the face capture view

  9. Resolution

  10. Flashlight

  11. Switch camera

  12. Multi face button

    Available in Lite clients. Refer Multi face mode in Lite client section for more details.

  13. Turn on auto capture/manual capture modes

  14. Extracting image of the Android Standard client when Low CPU support has enabled.

  15. Status text

    Status texts are available in NCheck Bio Attendance Standard client for Android when Low CPU support has enabled and Guard client

  16. Face ID view of IOS Lite client

    Table 87 Status texts of Android Standard and Guard clients


    Standard client - Low CPU support has enabled

    Guard client

    Face capturing in progress



    Face extraction in progress



    Face matching in progress in guard client

    Performing matching..

  17. Mask detection indicator

    Mask detection indicator is showing in the view according to the Mask detection setting and Mask detection threshold can be applied from either web control panel Client settings view or Client settings for device

Proceed to Capturing faces section for more detail about capturing face in client applications.

Capturing faces

  1. Face capturing in Standard client

  2. Face capturing in lite client

  3. Face capturing using Face ID in Lite client

  4. Multi face mode in Lite client

  5. Face capturing in Surveillance client of Windows and Guard client of Android

Face capturing in Standard client

Face capture for attendance recording is performed in the following steps.

  1. Face capture instruction “Stay facing camera” is shown.

  2. The user faces to the camera

  3. If the face liveness setting is enabled, users can see the liveness guidance in the screen as mentioned in Face liveness mode section. Otherwise, Standard client shows face rectangle and captures face automatically.

  4. The client performs attendance recording.

  5. The Client will validate the user according the Authentication mode


To enable face liveness, select face liveness mode from the Biometric setting list of NCheck Bio Attendance control panel.

Face capturing in lite client

o record attendance in the single face mode,

  1. Face capture instruction “Stay facing camera” is shown.

  2. The user faces to the camera

  3. Select Capture button.

  4. The client performs attendance recording.

  5. If no template enrolled for the user, NCheck Bio Attendance lite client registered to a user will be asked to enroll face if the Self-enroll templates is enabled in the server as shown in Figure 406


    Figure 406 Self enrollment in Android lite client

    1. Enroll button

      Enroll the captured image as face template.

  6. If templates exist, in successful event record, the Client will validate the user according the Authentication mode .

Face capturing using Face ID in Lite client

For NCheck Bio Attendance Lite client for IOS, face ID authentication mode can be enabled from Use in-built biometric verification on personal clients setting. The Client will validate the user according the Authentication mode once the capture the face.

Multi face mode in Lite client

Multi face mode can be used to record attendances of the group of users from single capturing. This mode is available on NCheck Bio Attendance Lite clients registered with a user group and switched to the multi face mode.


Enable Multi face mode from Biometric settings view or Device settings to enable multi-face mode in Lite clients.

To record attendance in the multi face mode,

  1. Enable multi face mode in the Face capture view

  2. Capture the face image of the users the multi-face view will be shown as Table 88

Table 88 Face captured views of the multi face mode


Windows Client


Figure 407 Multi face captured view of Windows lite client

Android Client


Figure 408 Multi face captured view of Android lite client

IOS client


Figure 409 Multi face captured view of IOS lite client

  1. Unidentified users

    Unidentified users represent.

    1. Users unable to identify when capturing (Ex: Not enough lighting condition, lower quality of the capturing images)

    2. Users are not available in the registered user group

  2. Identified users

  3. Record enable/disable button

    Select this button to record attendance of the identified/assigned user.

  4. Edit button

    This allows to assign unidentified face for selected user. To enable this settings Manual face selection should enabled from the Device settings or Biometric settings view of NCheck Bio Attendance control panel. The face assign view is shown in Table 89 . In the face assign view select the user from the list to assign the face.

Table 89 Face assign view of the multi face mode

Lite client

Windows Client


Figure 410 face assign view of Windows lite client

Android Client


Figure 411 face assign view of Android lite client

IOS client


Figure 412 face assign view of IOS lite client

  1. Capture more button

    User can capture a new image to re-capture unidentified users.

  2. Record button

    The Client will validate the user according the Authentication mode

Face capturing in Surveillance client of Windows and Guard client of Android
  1. Follow the capturing mode

    1. Manual capture

      If the manual capturing is enabled, select the capture button.

    2. Auto capture

      If the auto capture is enabled, stay facing to the camera until the client capture the image.

  2. The client performs matching with the NCheck Bio Attendance server to select the matching event type as follows.

    1. Surveillance client

      In Surveillance client, the event will be recorded and updated in the result view. Refer Result view for Surveillance client for Windows and Guard client for Android section for more details.

    2. Guard client

      In Guard client, once the face is captured, a record view will be prompted in order to compare the captured face and matching person face. Refer Record event view section for more details.

Fingerprint Capture view

For NCheck Bio Attendance standard clients, Capture view indicates fingerprint scanner is available. Once the fingerprint is available, put the finger on fingerprint scanner to record the attendances. For NCheck Bio Attendance Lite clients for Android and IOS, fingerprint authentication mode can be enabled using Use in-built biometric verification on personal clients setting.

Table 90 Fingerprint capture view of Android and IOS Lite clients

Android Lite


Figure 413 Fingerprint capture view of Android Lite client

IOS Lite


Figure 414 Fingerprint capture view of IOS Lite client

  1. Record Event button

    The Client will validate the user according the Authentication mode

Fingerprint authentication prompt for Android Lite

Fingerprint authentication prompt is shown in Figure 415


Figure 415 Fingerprint authentication prompt

  1. Fingerprint authentication prompt

    Once the fingerprint authentication prompt is appeared, Put the finger on the fingerprint scanner. After successful authentication, The Client will validate the user according the Authentication mode

  2. Cancel button

    Cancel the fingerprint authentication prompt.

Iris Capture view


This view is available on NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients for Windows only.

As shown in Capture view , NCheck Bio Attendance Standard client will indicates if the iris scanner is available.


Figure 416 Iris capture view

  1. Name of the iris scanner

  2. Left eye

  3. Right eye


NCheck Bio Attendance Standard client support single and double side iris scanners.

After scan the iris, client will validate the user according the Authentication mode

User ID input

The following inputs are allowing in NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients to record attendances

  1. Employee code input `

  2. RFID Input

  3. Barcode Input


To record attendances, each user must have user Employee code, RFID and Barcode id as mentioned in Add/Edit users section

Employee code input

User ID input has the following controls

  1. ID Field

  2. Submit button

Table 91 User ID view of Standard clients

Standard client

Windows Client


Figure 417 User ID view of Windows standard client

Android Client


Figure 418 User ID view of Android client

Once the employee code is given, client will validate the user according the Authentication mode

RFID Input

User allows to use RFID scanner available with Android devices or external RFID scanners with the devices to scan RFID. Capturing RFID

  1. Put the RFID card/tab on the RFID scanner/Android device

  2. The Client will validate the user according the Authentication mode

Barcode Input

NCheck Bio Attendance Standard for Android client allows to scan the barcode using front or back camera or external barcode reader with your device. Capturing Barcode

  1. Scan barcode using the Barcode scanner

  2. The Client will validate the user according the Authentication mode .

Authentication mode

The authentication mode can be set to the selected device from the NCheck Bio Attendance web control panel as mentioned in Edit device section or Client control panel (Standalone mode) as mentioned in Client peripheral configuration section. Following table shows authentication types availability for the NCheck Bio Attendance clients.

Table 92 Authentication modes availability for the clients

Authentication mode











The default authentication mode for NCheck Bio Attendance clients. Following table shows how the identification mode is working in clients.

Table 93 Identification in clients



Lite and Standard client

Once the user identified using either form biometic or user id input, the client shows the Result view .

Surveillance and Guard client

Once the user is identifed using face biometric, the surveillance client will show the Result view for Surveillance client for Windows and Guard client for Android . The Guard client shows the Record event view appears.

Verification mode

In NCheck Bio Attendance standard clients, user can be verified using a biometric input and user id input. The verification UI flow can be changed from the NCheck Bio Attendance web control panel as mentioned in Edit device section or Client control panel (Standalone mode) as mentioned in Client peripheral configuration section as follows.

  1. User id first

    The client will be asked for a biometric input once a user id input is given first.

  2. Biometric first

    The client will be asked for a user id input once a biometric input is given first

When the user is verified, client show the Result view .

Manual event selection view


Manual event selection is available for NCheck Bio Attendance Lite for Android and IOS and Standard client for Android only

Manual event selection view allows to user to select the event type as check-in or check-out before record the attendance. To enable this feature Manual capture start setting from NCheck Bio Attendance Control panel Client settings view or Device settings should be enabled first. Manual event selection is available for

  1. Manual event selection of Lite clients

  2. Manual event selection of Standard clients

Manual event selection of Lite clients

Manual event selection view for NCheck Bio Attendance Lite for Android and IOS appears according to the authentication mode using the Use in-built biometric verification on personal clients setting.

Table 94 Manual event selection view of Lite clients

Lite client

Biometric authentication mode





Figure 419 Manual event selection view of Android lite client

Finger ID


Figure 420 Manual capture start of finger ID view in Android Lite




Figure 421 Manual capture start view of IOS lite client

Finger ID


Figure 422 Manual capture start of face ID view in IOS Lite


Figure 423 Manual capture start of finger ID view in IOS Lite

Face ID

  1. Capture view

  2. Check-in button

    1. Face

      Attendance will be recorded as Check-in event once the user face is identified by the NCheck Bio Attendance server.

    2. Finger ID

      Attendance will be recorded as Check-in event once the finger is authenticated successfully as mentioned in Fingerprint authentication prompt for Android Lite section.

    3. Face ID

  3. Check-out button

    1. Face

      Attendance will be recorded as Check-in event once the user face is identified by the NCheck Bio Attendance server.

    2. Finger ID

      Attendance will be recorded as Check-out event once the finger is authenticated successfully as mentioned in Fingerprint authentication prompt for Android Lite section.

    3. Face ID

Manual event selection of Standard clients

Manual event selection views of the NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients are shown in Table 95 .

Table 95 Manual event selection in NCheck Bio Attendance standard clients

Android Lite

Android Standard


Figure 424 Manual event selection view of Android standard client

  1. Organization logo

  2. Check-in button

    In Standard client, select check-in button to proceed to Capture view to record attendance as Check-in event.

  3. Check-out button

    In Standard client, select check-out button to proceed to  Capture view to record attendance as Check-out event.

Record event view


This view available in NCheck Bio Attendance Guard client only

Once the face captured as mentioned in Face capturing in Surveillance client of Windows and Guard client of Android section, record view appears to side by side comparison of captured face image and matching face image of the user with the details such as user name and employee code as below.


Figure 425 Record event view

  1. Name of the view

  2. Application logo

  3. Side by side comparison view

  4. Matching list view

Side by side comparison view

Side by side comparison view represents both captured face image and matching user details to compare and proceed to record the event.


Figure 426 Side by side comparison view of Guard client

  1. Captured face image

    Captured face image of the user

  2. Selected person view

  3. Employee code selection

    If the person is not identified successfully by the server Guard can select the user manually by entering the employee code here

  4. Name and employee code of the selected person

  5. Event type as check-in or check-out

    Even type is not available for black list events

  6. Record button

    Record the event. The result will be appeared in the result view as mentioned in Result view for Guard client for Android section.

Selected person view

The person appeared in this view can be recorded by the Guard. The selected person can be,

  1. Whitelist person

  2. Blacklist person

  3. False match

Whitelist person

If the selected person is not blocked it is known as whitelist person


Figure 427 Whitelist event view of Guard client

  1. Matching score

    The score when matching user face biometric with the captured image.

  2. Matching face image

    Face image from the biometric face image of the matching users which has the highest matching score.

  3. Remove button

    Removed the selected person

The Guard allows to record the person as check-in or check-out.

Blacklist person

If the selected person is blocked, it is known as blacklist


Figure 428 Blacklist event view of Guard client

  1. Matching score

    The score when matching user face biometric with the captured image.

  2. Block indicator

    Block indicator appears if the user has blocked.

  3. Matching face image

    Face image from the biometric face image of the matching users which has the highest matching score.

  4. Remove button

    Removed the selected person

The Guard can record the event as blacklist.

False match

The captured person may not be existed in the database. In such cases, Guard can keep the selected person as empty (false match) and record the event.

Matching list view

This view is showing all identified person details. Once Guard selected a person from the list, selected user will be shown in Side by side comparison view either a Whitelist person or Blacklist person .


Figure 429 Close match list view of Guard client

  1. Selected user

  2. First name

  3. Employee code

  4. Matching score

    The score when matching user face biometric with the captured image.

  5. Biometric face image

    Face image from the biometric face image of the matching users which has the highest matching score

  6. Blocked indicator

Result view

Result view shows the recorded event details. Result view as follows,

  1. Result view for Standard and Lite clients

  2. Result view for Surveillance client for Windows and Guard client for Android

Result view for Standard and Lite clients

Result view for Single face mode

In the single face mode, the result view appears for the successful check-in or check-out events as follows.

Table 96 Result view of the single face mode





Figure 430 Result view of Windows lite client


Figure 431 Result view of Windows standard client



Figure 432 Result view of Android lite client


Figure 433 Result view of Android standard client



Figure 434 Result view of IOS lite client

Not Available

  1. User profile image

  2. Username

  3. Event type

  4. Total work hours of the day

  5. Total work hours of the week

  6. Total work hours of the month

  7. Event recorded time

  8. Check-in limitation message

    If the number of check-in are lower than the maximum occupancy for group premises, check-in will be recorded successfully. Otherwise check-in will be restricted. Refer Maximum occupancy for group premises setting in the server for more details.

  9. Cancel button

    Cancel the event recorded. This button will disappear in few seconds after the event result view appeared.

Result view for multi face mode


This view is available in NCheck Bio Attendance Lite clients only.

In multi face mode, result view appears with all users for all check-in check-out details as follows.

Table 97 Result view of the multi face mode


Windows Client


Figure 435 Result view of multi face mode in Windows lite client

Android Client


Figure 436 Result view of multi face mode in Android lite client

IOS client


Figure 437 Result view of multi face mode in IOS lite client

Result view for Surveillance client for Windows and Guard client for Android

As mentioned in Record event view section, NCheck Bio Attendance Guard client records following events.

  1. Whitelist event

    If the selected person by the Guard is not blocked and the event type as check-in or check-out

  2. Blacklist event

    If the selected person by the Guard is blocked, event will be recorded as blacklist

  3. False match event

    If the Guard select no person, the event will be recorded as false match.

As mentioned in Face capturing in Surveillance client of Windows and Guard client of Android section, following events can be recorded in NCheck Bio Attendance Surveillance client for Windows.

  1. Whitelist event

    Event type as check-in or check-out.

  2. Blacklist event

    If the user is blocked, event will be recorded as blacklist

  3. Unidentified event

    Unidentified event will be recorded if

    1. No match available for the captured face image

      In this case user can select any user from the registered user group and record the event as whitelist or blacklist event.

    2. Close matches available for the captures face image

      In this case user can select the user from the close match list and record the event as whitelist or blacklist event.

Following table is showing the views for all available events in Surveillance and Guard client.

Table 98 Result view of events in Guard and Surveillance clients

Matching event type

Surveillance client

Guard client

Whitelist event


Figure 438 whitelist event of Surveillance client


Figure 439 Whitelist event of Guard client

Blacklist event


Figure 440 Blacklisted event in Surveillance client


Figure 441 Blacklist event of Guard client

Unidentified event (No match found)


Figure 442 Unidentified event of Surveillance client

Not available

Unidentified event (Close match found)


Figure 443 Close match event of Surveillance client

Not available

  1. User profile image

  2. Username

  3. Event type

  4. Total work hours of the day

  5. Event time

  6. Edit button

    Edit the selected evet as mentioned in section

  7. Number of matches in the close match list

    This view appears for the unidentified events if multiple matched found.

Edit event


This view is available NCheck Bio Attendance Surveillance client only.

The recorded event can be edited in following case

  1. The captured face has matched with the different person(s)

    In this case, the captured face is matched with different person and the event will be recorded as Check-in, Check-out or blacklist. If the person is matched with multiple persons, the event will be recorded as unidentified event.

  2. The captured face has no match

    The captured face has matched with no person and the event will be recorded as unidentified.

In such cases Guard allows to edit the event as follows.

Table 99 Edit event view of Surveillance client


Edit event View

Person has matched with different person(s)


Figure 444 Edit event view when matching with different person(s)

Person has no match


Figure 445 Edit event view when person has no match

  1. Employee code

    Guard allows to select the correct person using the employee code. The selected person will be updated in the Side by side comparison view .

  2. Side by side comparison view

  3. Matching list view

  4. Close button

    Close Edit event dialogue.

Side by side comparison view

The side by side comparison view allows to compare the captured face of the person with matching parson(s) and record the event in following cases.

  1. The captured face has a match

    The captured face can be matched with either the server result or person selected by the Guard. In such cases event can be recorded as Check-in, Check-out or Blacklist if the person has been blocked.

  2. The face has not a match

    The Guard allows to record the event as false match if the captured person is not existing in the system.

Table 100 Side by side comparison view of Surveillance client



Person has matched with person(s)


Figure 446 Side by side comparison view when captured face has a match

Person has no match


Figure 447 Side by side comparison view when captured face has no match

  1. Captured face image of the user

  2. Matched/selected person view


    Figure 448 Matched/selected person view

    1. Image

      Wither the face biometric image of the matched person or thumbnail image of the selected person.

    2. Matching score

    3. Employee code of the matched/selected user

    4. Blocked status

      This status is shown if the matched/selected person is blocked.

    5. Delete button

      Removed the matched/selected person. If the captured face image has no match, Guard can remove the matched/selected person using this button and record as false match.

  3. Event date and time

  4. Name of the matched user

  5. Employee code selection view

    User able to find the user entering employee code if no match found for the captured face image. Otherwise this will be disabled.

  6. Check-in button

    Record the event as Check-in if the matched/selected user is not blocked.

  7. Check-out button

    Record the event as Check-out if the matched/selected user is not blocked.

  8. Blacklist button

    Record the event as blacklist if the matched/selected user is blocked.

  9. Unidentified button

  10. False match button

    Record the event as false match, if the captured face image has no match.

Matching list view

Figure 449 Close match list view of Surveillance client

  1. Selected user

  2. Face biometric image

  3. Matching score

  4. Employee code of the user

  5. Blocked indicator

    This indicator appears if the user is blocked.

Recent events list


This view is available in NCheck Bio Attendance clients for Windows only.

Recently recorded attendances are showing in the recent events list. Recent event list view follows

Resent event list views of Windows client

Recent event list view

Standard and Lite clients


Figure 450 Recent event list view of clients for Windows

Surveillance client


Figure 451 Recent event list view of Surveillance client

  1. Event filter view

  2. Result view for Surveillance client for Windows and Guard client for Android

Event filter view

  1. Event type

    1. Whitelist

    2. Blacklist

    3. Unidentified

    4. Close match

  2. Timeline selector

    Using the timeline selector, the timeline can be changed, and it will support 24 hours of period to backward. It will filter the events according to the timeline selected

  3. Timeline of the event

    By default, this shows the current timeline and timeline can be changed using the Time line selector.

Client control panel

NCheck Bio Attendance Client Control panel available in clients if the Offline operation mode has enabled in Attendance Standard cloud/on-premises server as shown below.

Table 101 Standard clients control panel availability on offline mode

Offline mode enabled

Network available

Network disabled







Following options are available in NCheck Bio Attendance Standard Client control panel for Android and Windows,

Table 102 Control panel options of Standard clients




User management


Peripheral view of clients


Event logs


Reports view


Settings view


Admin tasks of Clients


Login view

Table 103 Login views of Clients control panel

Windows client


Figure 452 Login view of Windows standard client

Android client


Figure 453 Login view of Android standard client

  1. Username

  2. Password

    The default control panel login password of the Android client is Admin. Windows client does not have a default password. The password can be changed as mentioned in Standalone password view section.

  3. Login button

    Table 104 could be appeared when logging to the control panel.

  4. Cancel button

Table 104 Error messages of control panel logging

Error code

Error message


Invalid password. Check the password again.

User management

Table 105 User management views

Windows Client


Figure 454 User management view of Windows standard client

Android Client


Figure 455 User management view of Android standard client

  1. Users list view

  2. User quick view

    In android Stannard client, select user quick view for User view of Android Standard client .

  3. Add button

    Refer Add user section for more details.

  4. Edit button

    Refer Edit user section for more details.

  5. Delete button

    Delete selected user. Refer Edit user section for more details of delete user.

  6. Refresh button

    Refer the user management view.

  7. Manage biometrics

  8. Search user

  9. Enroll from history button

    Refer Enroll from Windows client history section for more details.

User view of Android Standard client

User view of the Android Standard client preset all user details as follows.


Figure 456 User view of Android Standard client

  1. User first name and last name

  2. User menu

    1. Edit

      Edit user

    2. Remove

      Remove user

    3. Biometrics

      Manage biometrics as mentioned in Manage biometrics section

  3. User details view

Add user

Table 106 Add new users view

Windows Client


Figure 457 Add user view of Windows standard client

Android Client


Figure 458 Add user view of Android standard client

  1. User image thumbnail preview

    In Android standard client select the image thumbnail to browse the image file from the file system.

  2. Browse button

    Browse image from the file system

  3. First name

  4. Last name

  5. Employee code

  6. Barcode ID

Refer Capture barcode from client section for more details.

  1. RFID tag

    Refer Capture RFID from client section for more details.

  2. Email

  3. Address line 1

  4. Address line 2

  5. City

  6. Country

  7. State

  8. Zip code

  9. Telephone

  10. Apply button

    Apply button will be disabled if the mandatory fields are empty or Validation errors exist. Refer Table 107 for all error messages.

  11. Cancel button

Table 107 Error messages of add/edit user in client control panel

Error code



Mobile/telephone number is not valid for the selected country/region.


Invalid email address.


Barcode scanner could not be found.


RFID scanner could not be found


Selected file is not a valid image file.


Employee code already exists.


Barcode ID is already available for different user


RFID is already available for different user


Could not capture barcode. The device has been blocked


Could not capture RFID. The device has been blocked

Capture barcode from client
Table 108 Barcode field view

Windows client


Figure 459 Barcode field view of Windows Standard client

Android client


Figure 460 Barcode field view of Android standard client

  1. Barcode text field

  2. Barcode capture button

    Select Capture button to scan the barcode from the client application as mentioned in Table 109 .

Table 109 Capturing barcode from Client applications

Android client

Scan the barcode after the barcode scan view appeared as shown in Figure 461 .

  1. Main menu

    1. Switch camera

    2. Change resolution

  2. Barcode scan area

After successful scan, barcode id will appear in the barcode field.


Figure 461 Barcode capture view of Android client

Windows client

  1. Select the barcode field

  2. Scan the barcode from the connected barcode scanner

  3. After successful scan, barcode id will appear in the barcode field.

Capture RFID from client
Table 110 RFID field view

Windows client


Figure 462 RFID field view of Windows Standard client

Android client


Figure 463 RFID field view of Android standard client

  1. RFID text field

  2. RFID capture button

    Select Capture button to scan the RFID from the client application as mentioned in Table 111 .

    Table 111 Capturing barcode from Client applications

    Android client

    1. Scan the RFID after the RFID scan view appeared as Figure 464

    2. After successful scan, RFID id will appear in the RFIDID field.


      Figure 464 RFID capture view of Android client

    Windows client

    1. Select the RFID field

    2. Scan the RFID from the connected RFIC scanner

    3. After successful scan barcode id automatically

      appeared in the RFID field.

Edit user

Table 112 Edit user views

Windows client


Figure 465 Edit user view of Windows standard client

Android client


Figure 466 Edit user view of Android standard client

  1. User details view as mentioned in Add user section.

Manage biometrics

To proceed to manage biometric view for particular user in NCheck Bio Attendance Android standard client, Select Biometric button of the User view of Android Standard client section. In the edit user view, if no biometric has been enrolled for user, NCheck Bio Attendance Android standard will show a notification to enroll biometric as shown in Figure 467 .

  1. Enroll button

    Select enroll button to select the biometric type as shown in Figure 469 to capture biometric.


    Figure 467 “No template enrolled” notification in Android standard client

Table 113 Manage biometrics view

Windows client


Figure 468 Manage biometrics view of Windows standard client

Android client


Figure 469 Biometric type selection view of Android standard client


Figure 470 Manage biometrics view of Android standard client

  1. Enrolled face images list

  2. Capture face button

    Refer Capture face from standard clients section for more details.

  3. Enrolled fingerprint images list

  4. Capture fingerprints button

    Refer Capture fingerprint from Standard clients section for more details.

  5. Enrolled iris images list

  6. Capture iris button

    Refer Capture iris from Windows standard client section for more details

Refer Capture from client applications section for the error message could be appeared while capturing biometrics.

Enroll from Windows client history


This feature is not available for NCheck Bio Attendance Android client.

This option allows enroll biometrics from previous recorded events from users who are not enrolled with NCheck Bio Attendance server.


Figure 471 Enroll from history view

  1. Date filter

  2. Unidentified biometric lists

  3. Delete button

    Delete event from the list

  4. Event date and time

  5. Enroll button

    Enroll selected biometrics from the list. Table 114 is shown the error messages could be appeared when enroll biometrics from history

  6. Cancel button

Table 114 Error messages of Enroll from history

Error code

Error message


Could not enroll selected face/finger/iris image.

Peripheral view of clients

All available peripherals are showing in this view. The peripheral view as follows,

Table 115 Peripherals list views

Windows Client


Figure 472 Peripherals view of Windows standard client

Android Client


Figure 473 Peripherals view of Android standard client

  1. Device details view of Windows standard client

  2. Edit button

    Refer Edit peripheral view section for more details. In Android client double click on peripheral quick view.

  3. Refresh button

  4. Peripheral list view of Windows standard client

  5. Peripheral quick view of Android standard client

Device details view of Windows standard client

This view is showing device details as follows.


Figure 474 Device details view of Windows standard client

  1. Device name

  2. Name of the operating system

  3. Version of the operating system

Peripheral list view of Windows standard client

This view shows all peripheral available with the device as follows.


Figure 475 Peripheral list view of Windows standard client

  1. Peripheral name

  2. Peripheral ID

  3. Status

    Peripheral is enabled or disabled.

  4. Selected peripheral

    Double click on the selected peripheral to get the Edit peripheral view .

Peripheral quick view of Android standard client

This view present details of the selected peripheral.


Figure 476 Peripheral quick view of Android standard client

  1. Peripheral type

  2. Peripheral ID

  3. Peripheral image

    This image become green when the peripheral is available with the device. Otherwise become grey color.

Select the peripheral quick view to get the Edit peripheral view .

Edit peripheral view

Table 116 Edit peripheral views

Windows client


Figure 477 Peripheral edit view of Windows standard client

Android client


Figure 478 Peripheral edit view of Android standard client

  1. Peripheral name

  2. Peripheral code

    A unique id for the peripheral. Peripheral code cannot be edited.

  3. Peripheral status

    Enable/disable the peripheral.

  4. Save button

  5. Cancel button

Event logs

Table 117 Event logs views

Windows Client


Figure 479 Event logs view of Windows standard client

Android Client


Figure 480 Event logs view of Android standard client

  1. Event logs filter view

  2. Date filter

    Select the date to retrieve event logs. Default date is current date.

  3. Username filter

    Select the username to retrieve event logs.

  4. Event logs list view of Windows standard client

  5. Add button

    Refer Add new event log section for more details

  6. Edit button

    In Android standard client select on event log quick view for edit event log. Refer Edit event log section for more details.

  7. Delete button

    Delete selected event log. In Android client refer Edit event menu of Android standard client section for delete event log.

  8. Refresh button

    Refresh event logs view

  9. Re-evaluate button

    Select this button to re-arrange events check-in/check-out sequence of users.

  10. Event log quick view of Android standard client

Event logs list view of Windows standard client

Event log list view of the Android standard client shows all event logs as follows.


Figure 481 Event logs list view of Windows standard client

  1. Username

  2. Employee code

  3. Event type as Check-in or Check-out

  4. Event date and time

  5. Selected event

    Double click on selected event to Edit event log .

Event log quick view of Android standard client

Event log quick view of Android standard client shows details of the selected event log as follows


Figure 482 Event log quick view of Android standard client

  1. User thumbnail

  2. Username

  3. Employee code

  4. Event type as Check-in or Check-out

  5. Event date and time

Select on event quick view to Edit event log .

Add new event log

Table 118 Add event logs view

Windows Client


Figure 483 Add event log view of Windows standard client

Android Client


Figure 484 Add event log view of Android standard client

  1. Event thumbnail

  2. Person name

  3. Date

  4. Event time

  5. Event type

    1. Checkout

    2. Unidentified

    3. Not known

  6. Add button

  7. Cancel button

Edit event log

Table 119 Edit event log views

Windows Client


Figure 485 Edit event log view of Windows standard client

Android Client


Figure 486 Add event log view of Android standard client

  1. Event details view as shown in

  2. Edit event menu of Android standard client

Edit event menu of Android standard client

This menu available in the Android standard client to delete the selected the selected event log


Figure 487 Edit event menu of Android standard client

  1. Delete

    The delete the selected event log

Reports view

Table 120 Report views

Windows client


Figure 488 Report view of Windows standard client

Android client


Figure 489 Report view of Android standard client

  1. Report type

  2. Filter report by username

  3. Select report start date and end date to generate report

  4. Report options of Windows standard client

  5. Report data view

  6. Summarize report by daily, weekly, or monthly

Report options of Windows standard client

Report options of the Windows standard clients available shown as below.


Figure 490 Report options view of Windows standard client

  1. Refresh button

    Refresh report view.

  2. Print button

    Print the report.

  3. Save CSV button

    Save report in CSV format.

  4. Save PDF button

    Save report in PDF format.

Workhour report

Table 121 Details in the workhour report

Windows client

Report columns as follows

  1. Date

    The date for the workhour entry.

  2. Name

    Name of the employee.

  3. Employee code

  4. Productive work hours

    Work hours without early arrival and late departure.

Android Client

Report columns as follows

  1. Workday

    Day for the entry.

  2. Full name

    First name and last name of the user.

  3. Employee code

  4. Work hours

    The number of work hours for the day. Event log report

Table 122 Details in the Event log report

Windows Client

Report columns as follows

  1. Name

    Name of the employee

  2. Employee code

  3. Direction

    The event as check-in or checkout

  4. Time

    Event time

Android Client

Report columns as follows

  1. Workday

    Day for the entry.

  2. Full name

    First name and last name of the user.

  3. Employee code

  4. Event time Date and time the event is performed.

  5. Event type

    Event type as check-in or checkout.

Settings view

  1. General settings of clients

  2. Shift settings of clients

  3. Biometric settings of clients

  4. Client peripheral configuration

General settings of clients

Table 123 General setting views

Windows client


Figure 491 General setting view of Windows standard client

Android client


Figure 492 General setting view of Android standard client

  1. The interval between consecutive face scans

    Minimum time difference between two ancillary events to prevent event duplication for the user.

  2. KIOSK mode operation (For Microsoft Windows clients)

  3. KIOSK mode exit code

  4. Event log image size

  5. Standalone password view

  6. Enable/disable Manual capture start

  7. Save button

Standalone password view
Table 124 Standalone password view of clients

Windows client


Figure 493 Standalone password view of Windows standard client

Android client


Figure 494 Standalone password view of Android standard client

  1. Empty password

    Select this option to login control panel with empty password.

  2. Current password

  3. Password

    New password.

  4. Confirm password

  5. Save button

    Save password details. Save button will be disabled if the mandatory fields are empty or Validation errors exist. Al errors message could be appeared as shown below.

Table 125 Error messages of password save

Error code

Error message


Password does not match.


Password must contain at least 6 characters with one number.


Current password is incorrect

Shift settings of clients

Table 126 General settings

Windows Client


Figure 495 Shift settings view of Windows standard client

Android Client


Figure 496 Shift settings view of Android standard client

  1. Default shifts start time

  2. Default shifts end time

  3. Day start time

  4. Save button

Biometric settings of clients

Table 127 Biometric settings views

Windows Client


Figure 497 Biometric settings of Windows standard client

Android Client


Figure 498 Biometric settings of Android standard client

  1. Face liveness mode

  2. Face liveness threshold

  3. Face template size

    Size of each face enrolled template among medium or large. Large face template contains more details than medium.

  4. Recognition threshold

  5. Verification threshold

  6. Enrollment threshold

  7. Face confidence

  8. Face quality

  9. Fingerprint quality

  10. Iris quality threshold

    Increase the value if the same user identified differently from time to time. By increasing the value, the system is forced to ignore low quality iris scans.

  11. Hat detection threshold

  12. High-speed face detection

  13. Hat detection feature

  14. Hide user list on windows client

  15. Mask detection

  16. Mask detection threshold

  17. Save button.

Client peripheral configuration

Table 128 Peripheral configuration views

Windows client


Figure 499 Peripheral configuration view of Windows standard client

Android client


Figure 500 Peripheral configuration view of Android standard client

  1. Authentication mode

    Available authentication modes are,

    1. Identification

      Identification is the default authentication mode. Identification is performed on biometric and user id data. User biometric data such as face, finger print and iris are comparing against the database with previously collected biometric samples depending on the Recognition threshold . If the matching score is greater than the Recognition threshold , user is considered as identified. Therefore, this mode may demand large processing time. User id data such as user id, barcode and QR code are comparing against the database and giving the matching users.

    2. Verification

      The verification mode can be applied with a user id peripheral and a biometric peripheral in order to verify the user against the previously collected biometric sample. To get verified, matching score should be greater than Verification threshold .


      Figure 501 Combinations of user id peripheral with biometric peripheral in verification mode

    3. None

  2. Capture id first

    The verification sequence when the verification is selected as the authentication mode. If the capture Id first has enabled, id input should be input before the biometric. Otherwise biometric should be given at first.

  3. Events

    Attendances will be recorded in the specific event type as selected from this option.

    1. check-in

    2. checkout

    3. any

      Both Check-in and Check-out events

  4. Manage external executable

  5. Save button

Manage external executables

NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients can be configured to run external programs (Either from external executable or API) during user identification. For an example, an automatic door opening program can be executed upon successful user identification. Following setting should be specified to configure external programs.


Figure 502 Manage external executables view

  1. External executable lists

  2. Add external executable

  3. Edit external executable

    Edit external executable in Windows standard client

  4. Delete external executable

    Delete selected external executable.


NCheck Bio Attendance Android standard client doesn’t support on multiple external executable. It only allows to as single external executable to trigger APIs.

External executable lists

External executable list as follows.


Figure 503 External executables list of Windows standard client

  1. Name of the external executable

  2. Path to the EXE/URL of the API

Add external executable
Table 129 Add external executable view of Windows standard client

Windows client


Figure 504 Add external executable view of Windows client

Android client


Figure 505 Add external executable view of Android client

  1. Name

    Name of the external executable.

  2. Path of the external executable

    Path of the external executable or API URL to invoke.

  3. Trigger on

    1. Any

      Trigger the executable when record check-in or checkout events.

    2. Check-in

      Trigger executable when record check-in event.

    3. Check-out

      Trigger executable when record checkout event.

    4. Unidentified

      Trigger executable when the record is not identified as check-in or checkout.

  4. Parameter

    Following parameter(s) can be passed to the external executable when triggering the executable.

    1. Event (EVENT)


    2. Sequence id (SEQUENCE_ID )

      Id of the event.

    3. Time stamp (TIMESTAMP )

      Date and time of the event.

    4. User reference (USER_REF )

      Employee code of the user.

    5. User name (USER_NAME)

      First name and last name of the user event recorded.

    6. Shift code (SHIFT_CODE )

      Shift code of the NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients. In the standalone mode shfit code is DEFAULT.

    7. Location (LOCATION )

      Longitude and latitude of the event geo-location. Example: {Longitude,lattitude}

    8. User status (USER_STATUS )

      User is blocked or not. Pass 0 if the user has blocked otherwise 1.

    9. Address (ADDRESS)

      Address of the user.

    10. Peripheral code (PERIPHERAL _CODE )

      Unique identified number of the peripheral.

The applied parameters will be passed to the external executable as below when recording events.

Table 130 Parameters with external executable path or URL



External executable

  1. Value of the parameters will be separated with empty space

  2. Example: {parameter value 1} {parameter value 2} {parameter value 3}


  1. As URL parameters

  2. Example: {url}?{Paramter1}={value}&{Paramter2}={value}&{Paramter3}={value


NCheck Bio Attendance Standard client for Android is supported for URLS’s only.

Admin tasks of Clients

Table 131 Admin tasks views

Windows client


Android client


Figure 506 Admin tasks view of Android standard client

  1. Data import

  2. Data export

  3. Database backup and restore

  4. Database encription

  5. Biometrics

  6. Audit logs

Data import/export

This allows to import/export below information.

  1. User profile information

    1. First name

    2. Last name

    3. Employee code

    4. Email

    5. Primary telephone number

    6. Address1

    7. Address2

    8. State

    9. Country

    10. State province region

    11. Zip or postal code

    12. Barcode

    13. RFID

    14. Created date and time

    15. System Id

  2. Event log information

    1. Check-in latitude

    2. Check-in longitude

    3. Check-in address

    4. Check-in description

    5. Check-out latitude

    6. Check-out longitude

    7. Check-out address

    8. Check-out description

    9. Employee code

    10. Check-in time

    11. Check-out time

    12. Shift start time

    13. OT start time

    14. Shift span seconds

    15. OT span seconds

    16. OT enabled or not

    17. OT limit in hours

    18. Check-in timezone

    19. Check-out timezone

    20. Work hours

    21. Maximum OT hours


All date time should be MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss a format and date format should be MM/dd/yyyy format when export data.

To import/export data successfully following, following guidelines must be satisfied.

  1. The file names of csv files (user profile information and event logs ) should be

    User profile information : PersonData.csv event logs : EventLogData.csv

  2. All date format must be MM/dd/yyyy.

  3. All time format must be h:mm:ss.

  4. The column names should be equal as above.

  5. Country, state, provincial code, zip/postal code, email and telephone number should be in correct format.

Data import
Table 132 Date import views

Windows client


Figure 507 Data import view of Windows Standard client

Android client


Figure 508 Data import view of Android standard client

  1. Importing information

    1. User profile information

    2. Event logs information

  2. Import location

    Select the file path of the importing file.

  3. Encrypted password of the importing file

  4. Status

    Importing status in successful or fail attempts.

  5. Import button

    Import button will be disabled if the mandatory fields are empty or Validation errors exist. Table 133 is showing error messages could be appeared.

  6. Close button

Table 133 Error messages of import data from clients

Error code

Error message


Data import failed. Invalid password.


Data import failed. The selected file could not be imported.


Unidentified error occurred during data import. Please contact administrator or NCheck Bio Attendance support for more details.

Data export
Table 134 Data export views

Windows client


Figure 509 Data export view of Windows standard client

Android client


Figure 510 Data export view of Windows standard client

  1. Exporting information

    1. User profile information

    2. Event log information

  2. Select path to export location

  3. Password to encrypt the exporting file

  4. Confirm password

  5. Status

    Exporting status in successful or fail attempts.

  6. Export button

    Export button will be disabled if the mandatory fields are empty or Validation errors exist. Table 135 is showing error messages could be appeared.

  7. Close button

Table 135 Error messages of export data from clients

Error code

Error message


Password does not match.


Password must contain at least 6 characters with one number.


Unidentified error occurred during data export. Please contact administrator or NCheck Bio Attendance support for more details.

Database backup and restore

Database backups and restore allows to back up the database as JSON files in a zip file securely and restore back in the application. The backup file contains,

  1. Person.json

    All user information added as mentioned in Add user section.

  2. Authentication.json

    All authentication information of users such as biometrics, RFID and barcode.

  3. eventlogsPairViews.json

    All check-in and check-out pairs are backup in this file.

  4. settings.json

    All settings as mentioned in Settings view section are kept in this file.


We are recommending to keep backup files safe without alter any information to prevent backup restore failures. Backup and restore feature are not available for NCheck Bio Attendance Android standard client.

Database backup

This view allows to backup the database as follows.


Figure 511 Backup database view of Windows standard client

  1. Database backup location

  2. The password to encrypt backup file

    Password must have at least 6 characters with on digit.

  3. Confirm password

  4. Status

    Database backup status in successful or fail attempts.

  5. Back up button

    Backup button will be disabled if the mandatory fields are empty or Validation errors exist. Table 136 Show all the error messages could be occurred.

  6. Close button

Table 136 Error messages of backup database in clients

Error code

Error message


Password does not match.


Unidentified error occurred during data backup. Please contact administrator or NCheck Bio Attendance support for more details.

Database restore

This view allows to restore backup databases as follows.


Figure 512 Restore database view of Windows client

  1. Database location

  2. Database encrypted password

  3. Status

    Database restore status in successful or fail attempts.

  4. Restore button

    Restore button will be disabled if the mandatory fields are empty or Validation errors exist. Table 137 Show all the error messages could be occurred.

  5. Close button

Table 137 Error messages of data backup and restore view

Error code



Data restore has been failed. Could not decrypt the file with the given password


Data restore has been failed. Invalid backup file


Unidentified error occurred during data restore. Please contact administrator or NCheck Bio Attendance support for more details.

Database encryption


Database encryption feature is not available for NCheck Bio Attendance Android standard application.

Database encryption could be done as follows.


Figure 513 Encrypt database view of Windows standard client

  1. Password

    Password must have 8 characters with one uppercase character and one digit.

  2. Confirm password

    Save button will be disabled if the password and confirm password fields are empty or validation errors as shown in Table 138

  3. Save button

Table 138 Error messages of database encryption

Error code

Error message


Password does not match.


Re-extract users’ biometric templates from biometric engine and re-enroll.

Table 139 Re-extraction views

Windows client


Figure 514 Re-extract template view of Windows standard client

Android client


Figure 515 Re-extract template view of Android standard client

  1. Status

    Status of the template extraction as in-progress, Finished or failed.

  2. Re-enroll button

    Select re-enroll button to begin extraction. The extraction time will be depended on number of templates to re-enroll. Table 140 is showing the error messages during re-extraction.

  3. Finish button

    Select finish button to finish re-enroll task while in-progress or finish.

  4. Cancel button

Table 140 Error messages of biometric re-extraction view

Error code

Error messages


License cannot be obtained


Biometric re-extraction has failed on following images.

  1. {images list} Audit logs

This view shows date and time with the actions history performed by the user in the control panel. The following actions types are logged by the application.

Table 141 Admin logs views

Windows client


Figure 516 Manage audit log view of Windows standard client

Android client


Figure 517 Manage audit log view of Android standard client

  1. Action type

    Filter audit logs by action type

  2. Date filter with start and end date

  3. Audit logs list view

The available action types are

  1. LOGIN

    Date and time for the admin logins.


    Date and time for the admin logouts.


    Date and time when event logs added.


    Date and time when event logs modified.


    Date and time when event logs deleted.


    Date and time when persons added.


    Date and time when persons modified.


    Date and time when persons deleted.

Audit logs list view
Table 142 Audit log list views

Windows client


Figure 518 Audit logs list view of Windows standard client

Android client


Figure 519 Audit logs list view of Android standard client

  1. Username

  2. Action type

  3. Description

  4. Created date and time