NCheck Bio Attendance software is available for following platforms
Server |
Standard Client |
Lite Client |
Source |
Windows |
64bit and 32Bit Windows installer |
Windows |
Windows docker image |
Linux |
Linux docker image |
Android |
Google Paly Store and APK download |
iOS |
Apple App Store |
Install for windows¶
Download 64-bit version or 32-bit version of windows installer from web site. This installer has following components
NCheck Bio Attendance Server
NCheck Bio Attendance Standard Client
NCheck Bio Attendance Lite client
NCheck Bio Attendance Server installation also install NCheck Bio Attendance Standard client. NCheck Bio Attendance Lite client and Standard client cannot be installed together. Administrator privilege is required to install NCheck Bio Attendance on windows.
Before install NCheck Bio Attendance for Windows, make sure that you have installed latest Windows updates in your computer.
To proceed with the installation, execute the downloaded installation file. It will proceed you through following screens.
Accept NCheck Bio Attendance license and agreement
Figure 27 License agreement dialogue¶
Select Next button
Select the installing location. The default installation location for 32bit installer is C:\Program Files (x86)\Neurotechnology\NCheck Bio Attendance and for 64bit installer is C:\Program FilesNeurotechnology\NCheck Bio Attendance
Figure 28 Select destination folder dialogue¶
Select Next button
Select the components need to be installed. NCheck Bio Attendance server and NCheck Bio Attendance client can be installed together or separately. NCheck Bio Attendance lite client can be installed separately from other components
Figure 29 Select components dialogue¶
Select Next button
Select Create a desktop shortcut option to create a shortcut to open NCheck Bio Attendance client application if installed
Figure 30 Select additional tasks¶
Select Next button
Review the install configuration before install the NCheck Bio Attendance.
Figure 31 Ready to install dialogue¶
Select Install button to install application
In the completion dialogue, you will be asked to
Start NCheck Bio Attendance Server configuration
Run NCheck Bio Attendance client
View the User’s Guide
Figure 32 Completed dialogue¶
Select Finish button
Install server for Windows¶
To install NCheck Bio Attendance server
Follow the Install for windows section above.
Select “NCheck Bio Attendance Server” component as showing in Figure 33 Select components dialogue. It will also allow to select NCheck Bio Attendance Standard Client component.
If this installation is an update of existing installation it may ask to stop running tasks.
In the completion of the installation it will guide you to activate a license as showing in Figure 34 ..Please refer “License Activation” section for more details.
In installation completion, it will show the server installation completion dialog as showen in Figure 36
In successful completion, Server will be installed, and server icon will be appearing in the Windows system tray as shown in Figure 39 .
Figure 35 Tray icon¶
Install client For Windows¶
To install NCheck Bio Attendance Standard client
Follow the Install for windows section above
Select “NCheck Bio Attendance client” or “NCheck Bio Attendance Lite client” component in component selection
NCheck Bio Attendance tray icon
If this installation is an update of existing installation it may ask to stop running tasks
In installation completion, it will show the client installation completion dialogue as showen in Figure 311 Client setup completed dialogue in the completion window, You have following options
Run NCheck Bio Attendance client
View the User’s Guide
Install for Linux¶
Follow this link to setup docker image for Linux. Refer Install On-premises server on Linux section for more details.
Install client for Android¶
Download and install NCheck Bio Attendance Standard or NCheck Bio Attendance Lite client from Google play store or APK download from
Install NCheck Bio Attendance Lite client for iOS¶
Install NCheck Bio Attendance Lite client from Apple App Store.
NCheck Bio Attendance Software licenses and Cloud subscription plan for different components are shown below.
Component |
License/Plan |
Server |
Cloud |
Monthly Subscription for a Plan |
On-Premises |
License for no of users |
Client |
Lite |
Free |
Standard |
License |
Cloud plans¶
After signing up for NCheck Bio Attendance Cloud server account, user will be offered a free subscription. Account administrator can be changed it to below plan. For user count over 100 can be ordered by contacting us.
Plan name |
Number of users |
Free |
5 |
Plan20 |
20 |
Plan50 |
50 |
Plan100 |
100 |
To activate NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients, you can purchase client license as follows.
Purchase license from NCheck Bio Attendance cloud
You can purchase Internet license to activate NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients as mentioned in License statistics section. To enable cloud device license, make sure that the Enable licensing setting is enabled first. To activate the Standard client application with the Cloud,
Make sure that the application has not been activated
If you have activated the Internet license, remove the license folder in the NCheck5 folder. If you are using Serial number, deactivate the license as mentioned in License deactivation section.
Restart the application
Purchase NCheck Bio Attendance Internet or serial license
Refer License activation/deactivation section for more details.
On-premises server and Standard client licenses¶
New installation of NCheck Bio Attendance on-premises server and standard client can be used for one-month trial period. After the expiration of trial period, a valid license should be activated. Licenses can be purchased for user counts in 100 user slabs up to 1000 users online form web site. For custom user count licenses can be ordered by contacting us. NCheck Bio Attendance Standard clients’ needs 100 user licenses to work with server with any number of users. If client needs to work offline with more than 100 users, client must use a license with appropriate user count. Refer License activation/deactivation section for more details.
License activation/deactivation¶
License Manager¶
License manager option is used to activate licenses. License manager can be launch as below
NCheck Bio Attendance on-premises server as shown in Figure 40
NCheck Bio Attendance clients for Windows as shown in Figure 41
NCheck Bio Attendance Standard client for Windows
NCheck Bio Attendance Surveillance client for Windows
NCheck Bio Attendance Android clients as shown in Figure 42
License Manager views are shown below
Windows clients |
Figure 41 License Manager view in Windows Standard client¶ |
Android clients |
Figure 42 License Manager view in Android standard client¶ |
License type
Refer License types section for more details.
Current activation
If the application is not licensed
The application has activated as trial.
The application has activated using license file
The application has activated using license dongle.
License status
Whether the application is successfully licensed or not.
Deactivate button
Refer License deactivation section for more details.
Close button
Activate license
Select the Activate button to activate NCheck Bio Attendance server/clients. Table 8 is showing the error messages could be appeared on activation.
Error code |
Error message |
2001 |
Trial license has expired. |
2002 |
License cannot be obtained |
2003 |
The license is already in use. |
2004 |
The license limit has exceeded. Please contact administrator/ NCheck Bio Attendance support |
2005 |
No valid NCheck Bio Attendance license has found. |
Note: After activating NCheck Bio Attendance Android client license, the application should be restated after clear from the memory.
License types¶
Following license types are available to activate the Standard clients for Windows and Android, Windows Surveillance client and Android Guard client.
NCheck Bio Attendance can use for 30 days period in the trial mode. An internet connection is required to activate the license and constant internet connection required to maintain the activation. After the trial period, NCheck Bio Attendance should be activated with a valid license.
License can be NCheck Bio Attendance Serial number or internet license. It requires a internet connection to activate both license. After activation using serial number application can be used without internet. But if activation performed using internet license, application must be connected with internet in order to validate the license. Application can be activated either the selecting the license file or license text.
NCheck Bio Attendance server and Windows client can be activated using activation dongle. Please contact NCheck Bio Attendance support team for more details.
License deactivation¶
NCheck Bio Attendance Internet and serial licenses work only in a specific device on which activation was carried out (unique hardware Id for this device is generated). But in some cases, a license should be stopped (deactivated) on this device and activated again. Deactivation is required in following cases,
When you need to transfer another device
Device in which license was activated is malfunctioned.
Hardware components such as processor or hard disk have been changed.
User changed a device (a computer).
In Android 10 or later OS, it is strongly recommended to deactivate the serial number license, in case of re-install the application. Deactivate the license before uninstalling and activate again after re-install.
Also, it is strongly recommended to deactivate a license before reinstalling an operating system or installing a different OS version.
Deactivation should be performed on the same device where it was activated. When you have internet connection, a license will be deactivated automatically. When a device is not connected to the internet, user will be asked a location within the device to save Deactivation ID, which can be used with the license file to deactivation uploading to the Neurotechnology website. To deactivate the license,
Select the Deactivate button
If the device is not connected to the internet, you will be asked to select a location in the device to save the deactivation id file
Upload the file with the serial number file to the Neurotechnology web site. Table 9 hows error messages that could be appeared for license deactivation.
Error code |
Error message |
2005 |
No valid NCheck Bio Attendance license has found. |
2006 |
License deactivation has failed. The license has not activated. |